How to Improve the Patient Payment Journey with Price Transparency

Viewpoints: Improving the Patient Payment Journey with Transparency and Engagement 

More than 100 million Americans are facing medical debts they cannot pay, according to an analysis by Kaiser Health News. A quarter of those with debt owe more than $5,000, and nearly as many with any amount of debt don’t expect to pay it off in their lifetimes. 

Solving complex issues like growing medical debt requires a multi-factored approach. However, healthcare providers can take an immediate step to alleviate the problem by providing patients with greater transparency in healthcare pricing. 

TC_Viewpoints_eBook_ThumbnailBy downloading our eBook, you will learn:

  • Why unaffordable medical bills are a social determinant of health
  • What digital engagement tools providers can adopt to mitigate rising consumer debt
  • How providers can add price transparency in healthcare to the patient journey

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